Why coffee?

In short, there are many challenges for people and nature in the coffee growing zone in Colombia. You can learn more about the history here.

Coffee is one of the most popular hot drinks in the world. Coffee can therefore move and achieve a lot. You could say: Coffee helps us build a bridge.

We want to create a direct, long-term connection between you and the coffee producers in the country of origin. A connection from which everyone benefits.

You through increased enjoyment and really high-quality coffee, the coffee farmers through appreciation and a self-determined future & the environment through the freedom this gives producers to make cultivation more and more sustainable bit by bit.

To ensure that everyone involved, from the coffee farmer to the consumer, enjoys their coffee in the long term, we have launched a special project:

A little insight:

The project

In cooperation with local farmers, we are restoring our own coffee plantation in the coffee zone of Colombia, "Finca La Macarena", to its former glory, piece by piece. It used to be a shining example of coffee plantations in the region and has been lying fallow for many years due to a lack of prospects. Daily sustainability is very important to us. For us, sustainability is more than just a green seal on a package. For us, it means on the one hand:

To create a diverse ecosystem in which coffee plants are mixed with the many other native trees of Colombia in order to ensure greater biodiversity. Reforestation instead of deforestation.

On the other hand, it is important to us that everyone involved benefits. This is not the case for farm workers, usually coffee farmers. Therefore, it is a central point to give these people the opportunity to build a worthwhile and self-determined life for themselves and their families. Sustainable also means that the coffee must not only be grown, harvested and processed with care and dedication, but also roasted with love and care. This allows it to develop its full potential and the many multifaceted flavors come to the fore.

For us, sustainability and quality go hand in hand, because sustainability in practice creates quality. Quality that you can not only taste, but also experience. Quality that not only refers to the perfect roasting level, but also to the quality of the coffee at its source and to the quality of life of the many people involved.

Therefore, it is clear to us that our project cannot be limited to our own small finca!

Our goal is to help the many small coffee plantations, which are often run by families and which unfortunately have no real chance in global trade.

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